Statement View Interfacing

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Interfacing external programs to Statement view is limited to providing one or more external methods to process statement downloads, and creating an interface to automatically configure accounts for OFX download.

External Statement Download Processing

Why Do This?

You would create a script or program to filter downloaded OFX statements before processing in Money. Reasons for doing this include:

  • Entries in some downloads apply to an account other than the main account.
    • For example an investment account margin balance adjustment should not be posted to the investment account itself, but rather either discarded altogether, or posted to an "available credit" account, with an equal amount posted to a corresponding liability account.
  • You may be using Money to download statements for another entity, and those statements should be opened by the Money file or other software that you use for that entity.
  • You may wish to send transactions to other programs running in parallel with Money, such as an expired Quicken, or GnuCash, etc.


Implementing these functions involves varying degrees of complexity.

A parsed version of the downloaded OFX files is available in the log files.


Automatic Account Download Configuration

The so-called "Advanced" PalOMoney Online Configuration interface in the current release is not intended for end users. More preferable is the original Money Wizard interface that worked step-by-step locating the provider, listing the accounts, and voila! all was configured. A script or program can examine the PalOMoney Export Online Configuration file and use a wizard to create a file to import into Money via the PalOMoney Import Online Configuration function.